viernes, 31 de mayo de 2013

En la cámara secreta del intelecto

Cantada por Dra. Florencia Balestrini, Prof. Jorge Salcedo, Lic. Sandra Carmona


 English Translation:

Your eternal companion shines like the Sun in the secret chamber of the intellect. The blessed Guru Ramakrishna shines there as undivided consciousness with infinite power. He is the condensation of consciousness, joy and love. He is the perfect symbol of the Divinity. He is the greatest, the Supreme Self. Sri Ramakrishna, the blessed Guru shines. Om Ramakrishna, Om Guru Om.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

"Sharanam" es entregarte, entregarte

Coro cantado por Florencia B., Maria Laura C., Eduardo T.
"Sharanam" es entregarte, entregarte;
es para refugiarte, para cobijarte;
es para dedicarte y olvidarte;
¡A Dios Todo-compasivo darte, darte, darte!
"Sharanam" es el suplicar para someterte;
a la voluntad divina entregarte;
¡Oh mente! es para darte, darte, darte;
¡A Dios Todo-conocedor darte, darte, darte!

English Translation:
"Sharanam" is repeated surrendering yourself. It is to take refuge and sheltar. It is to dedicate and forget yourself. It is giving yourself repeatedly to All-merciful God.. "Sharanam" is praying with your submission. It is surrendering to the divine will. Oh mind! It is giving yourself again and again to the All-knowing God.

En aquella forma Tuya

En aquella forma Tuya 
hecha de Conciencia, 
me refugio, me entrego, 
vivo sólo en Tu gracia. 

Dulce dicha, dulce dolor. 
La vida es una francachela. 
Sin comparar yo trajino, 
no me importa la bagatela.

English Translation:
I take refuge, I surrender to that form of Yours made of Consciousness. I live only by your grace. Sweet is the joy, sweet is the pain. Life is a meeting in a cheerful and noisy place for enjoying food. I keep on travelling from one place to another without comparing. I do not mind the trifle.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Om Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna Hari Om

Cantada por Eduardo Tumbarino, Maria Laura Caballero, Florencia Ballestrini

Cantada por Eduardo Tumbarino, Maria Laura Caballero, Florencia Ballestrini

Om Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna, Ramakrishna Hari Om
Om Sarvadeva-devi-swarupaya Sri Ramakrishnaya Namah

miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Con la melodía de Ramakrishna

Con la melodía de Ramakrishna,
en el ritmo de Ramakrishna, 
debemos ya sintonizar,
debemos darnos ya sin esperar.

El aire de la gracia
aquí siempre está soplando.
Debemos ya aprovechar,
debemos ya desamarrar.

El océano del divino amor
tenemos ya en el interior.
Debemos ya desbloquear,
debemos ya manifestar.

Con el nombre de Ramakrishna,
en la forma de Ramakrishna;
debemos ya embriagar
Debemos darnos ya sin demorar.

ENGLISH Translation:
With the melody and rhythm of Ramakrishna we must tune us now without delay. The air of grace is always blowing. We must now take the advantage and start our sailing. We already have the ocean of divine love within. We should now remove the obstacle and manifest that. Without further delay,we should intoxicate us with the Name and Form of Ramakrishna.

Cada dama es la divina Ma misma

Cada dama es la divina Ma misma,

La Virgen, Sarada, Kali potencialmente;
La humanidad entera debe honrarla,
Amar y servir a ella adecuadamente.

La mujer cumple las tareas asumidas,
Siempre con destreza maravillosamente;
Siendo dotada con las energías divinas,
Crea y construye las cosas asombrosamente.

La mujer aguanta mucho pacientemente;
Su modestia innata la hace seguir exitosamente.
Revalorizar a la mujer es esencial y urgente,
Para crear la armonía y equilibrio globalmente.

Each lady is potentially the divine Mother Virgin Mary, Sarada and Kali. The entire humanity should honor, love and serve her adequately. The woman, being gifted with the divine energy, executes the assumed tasks always dexterously and marvelously, and creates and constructs amazingly. The woman holds on a lot patiently. Her innate modesty makes her keep on successfully. In order to create the harmony and equilibrium globally the revaluation of the woman is essential and urgent.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Ahora edúquense, oh mujeres

Cantada por Maria Laura Caballero, Florencia Ballestrini, y Eduardo Tumbarino

Ahora edúquense, oh mujeres,
para manifestar su perfección interior.

Tendrán toda prosperidad,
afirmarán la liberación exterior.
Las mujeres son dotadas
con cualidades extraordinarias.
Al soportar durante años
acumularon mucha energía.

English Translation:
O women! In order to manifest your inner perfection you just educate yourself. You will achieve all prosperity. You will affirm the external liberation. The women are endowed with extraordinary qualities. They have accumulated great energy by enduring during  many years.